However, with a bit of planning and ingenuity, old mines can be put to some pretty amazing uses. Using gravitational forces to help generate electricity is not a new concept. Hydroelectricity and ...
Functional and phylogenetic methods guide the effective rehabilitation of mine land. •. The combination of species used for rehabilitation may be optimized according to functionality. •. Limiting similarity approaches can be used in risk …
2.1. Physicochemical Characterisation of Iron Ore Mine Tailings. Tailings often exhibit adverse physicochemical properties (Figure 1) such as poor structure [] with a fine-grained blend of ground-up stone particles [], low macronutrients, extreme pH [], high salinity [], high concentrations of metals, and residuals of processing chemicals [].Iron …
Here, we compared sites that had undergone two or three years of rehabilitation after iron ore mining on the Urucum Massif, MS, Brazil, with native reference sites. The species composition as well as …
The mining of mineral resources has caused serious damage to land and significant pressure on ecological environment. During the repairing of damaged land and degraded ecosystems, there have been many pieces of literature related to land reclamation and ecological restoration (LRER) that have emerged. To understand the …
Forest land has constantly been getting diverted for the purpose of mining and for other developmental projects. The average forest cover of the 50 major mineral-producing districts in the country stands at 28%. During 1980–2005, close to 0.1 million ha of land was diverted across India to make way for 1200 mines.
To reduce the net losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by iron ore mining in Brazil, mineland rehabilitation using native plant species is necessary.
Introduction. Billions of tons of mine tailings are generated annually from extracting and processing of metal and mineral ores, 1, 2, 3 stockpiled in about 4,800 mine tailings storage facilities (TSFs), 4 occupying >240,000 ha of land worldwide. 4 Iron (Fe) ore tailings are one of the most challenging global tailings liability, 5 with over 1.4 billion …
2.1 Study area. The Thakurani Iron Ore Mines of M/s Sarda Mines (P) Limited is a large capacity mine within the Odisha state in India and carrying out mining activity since 2001. The mine is ...
Mining Rehabilitation. We respect the privilege of operating in an area of Western Australia characterised by jarrah forest, native flora and fauna, and waterways. We know that our activities can affect biodiversity values in this important ecosystem. Our Biodiversity Policy outlines our approach to avoiding, minimising and mitigating this ...
Abstract. Open-cast iron mining causes drastic dis-turbances in soil properties. Recovery of soil chemi-cal and physical properties is essential for successful revegetation and …
Mining activities in Jajang iron and manganese ore mines located in Keonjhar district of Odisha, India starting from mineral explorations to production and transport are causing environmental damage in many ways, which includes deforestation, loss of topsoil, accelerated soil erosion, migration of wildlife and avifauna, and addition of air pollutants …
The aim of the present study was to determine whether a short rehabilitation time influenced the soil AMF community diversity and glomalin production in areas undergoing rehabilitation after iron mining. We analyzed the number of spores, mycorrhizal colonization, AMF species richness, and concentrations of easily extractable …
ABSTRACT The mineland rehabilitation can be a challenge due to high soil density and low levels of organic matter and nutrients. This study assessed soil chemical attributes and leaf nutritional contents of two native species (Mimosa acutistipula var. ferrea and Vismia baccifera) grown in an iron waste pile under environmental …
This article will conclude the series, and will focus on real life cases where rehabilitation has been successful. This article will provide a guide as to the various methods available for different environmental issues, which can be implemented to rehabilitate the over 50,000 mines that have been currently abandoned in Australia.
The pioneering law of mine land rehabilitation is the "Rehabilitation Act" issued in 1939 in West ia, USA to restore the ecological environment of mining areas. It aims to restore the mined land to a natural or economically usable state [ 8 ], marking the beginning of a new stage of law-based ecological restoration of mining land.
A holistic approach to mine rehabilitation. Alexandra Eastwood May 9, 2023, 1:24 pm. Dendra ecology manager Guy Smith. Proactive ecosystem restoration enables positive social, environmental and ...
Functional and phylogenetic methods guide the effective rehabilitation of mine land. •. The combination of species used for rehabilitation may be optimized …
Mining activities in Jajang iron and manganese ore mines located in Keonjhar district of Odisha, India starting from mineral explorations to production and transport are causing environmental ...
According to a report from the Senate inquiry into the rehabilitation of mining and resources projects published in March 2019, the cost of rehabilitating all major abandoned mine sites in Australia would run into billions of dollars. While the industry challenges the actual number (estimates put it at more than 50,000 abandoned mines ...
Experiment on reclamation and rehabilitation of waste dump by eco-restoration techniques at Thakurani iron ore mines in Odisha carried out by Ranjan et al. (2016). Mining has a significant ...
Mining causes severe, long-term damage to the environment. It destroys ecosystems and pollutes water, soil and air. These impacts have consequences for the health and well-being of affected communities. In South Africa, mining is encroaching on our strategic water source areas. In Mpumalanga, which contains most of the country's …
To date, all rehabilitation at Meandu Mine aimed to return the land to native vegetation. Stanwell uses a rehab seed mix made up of 25 native tree, shrub, and groundcover species, and 10 native grass species. This mix is consistent with the surrounding area, and over time forms a contiguous ecosystem with the surrounding Yarraman State Forest ...
The final land use of a rehabilitated mine site can vary greatly: from restoring major forest ecosystems to repopulating the land with native revegetation and …
To reduce the net losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by iron ore mining in Brazil, mineland rehabilitation using native plant species is …
We reviewed the findings of 71 publications on fauna recolonization, through the example of mining rehabilitation in the Australian continent, a global stronghold of large-scale mining. Species densities and richness were frequently lower in rehabilitated compared to undisturbed areas, even more so when only native species were considered.
Mining can become more environmentally sustainable 1 by developing and integrating practices that reduce the environmental impact of mining operations. These practices include measures such as reducing water and energy consumption, minimizing land disturbance and waste production, preventing soil, water, and air pollution at mine sites, …
Mine rehabilitation is a restoration process ensuring that land used in mining is made available for economic activity, conservation, and diverse community uses. Rehabilitation projects can range from restoring forest ecosystems, native vegetation and agricultural land, through to the development of ecotourism experience centres. Here we …
The post-mining land use is agreed with regulators, and depending on the size and nature of the mine and the land use option selected, may include input from landholders, …
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