[PDF] Aspects of SAF smelting of ferrochrome | Semantic …

Aspects of SAF smelting of ferrochrome. P. Hayes. Published 2004. Materials Science, Chemistry. This paper provides a review of the chemical reactions occurring in the submerged arc processing of chromite ores. The excavations of industrial furnaces have shown that the charge, as it descends through the furnace, passes through a number of ...

(PDF) The development of a technology roadmap for ferrochrome …

A 30-year technology roadmap for the South African ferrochrome industry is developed to address the increasing cost of electricity and competition from China. Research on possible technologies and ...

High Carbon Ferrochrome Technology

The specific process route selected is the application at the company's Middelburg Ferrochrome plant in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, South Africa, where two furnaces (both 60 MW) are in operation. Samancor Chrome provided the core of the following process description in November 2011.

Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture expected to benefit from …

South Africa is the world's top chrome ore producer, while Glencore (LON: GLEN) owns 79.5% of the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture, which has a total capacity of 2.3 million tonnes of ferrochrome ...

Economic modelling of a ferrochrome

of ferrochrome slag and off gas emissions need to be accounted for. Ferrochrome slag The molten products obtained from the ferrochrome smelter operation are alloy and slag. According to Beukes et al.8, South African producers generate slag- to- metal ratios of between 1.1–1.9 t slag per t FeCr. These ratios are worrying,

Resource Intensity Trends in the South African …

duction process improvements on selected resource intensities of the South African ferrochrome industry. Sustainability data, available since the start of regular sustainability reporting in 2007,

Resource intensity trends of ferrochrome production in South Africa

South Africa owns more than 70% of the world's known chromite reserves. Chromite has historically been the most feasible source of chromium suitable for ferrochrome production, which in turn is an essential raw material for stainless steel production. Stainless steel has a myriad of applications in modern society. The South African …


The most common recovery process is to crush the slag (in the case of the first slag-handling method) and recover the alloy particles in a wet jigging process. ... Even lower carbon contents are available. The world leader in ferrochrome production is South Africa with 3.6 Mt in 2008; China is second with 2.2 Mt, followed by India and ...

The Impact Of Chrome Ore Exports on the …

THE IMPACT OF ORE EXPORTS ON REVENUES. On average, R270 million is generated from 1 027kt chrome ore exported yearly at the unit value of R113 per ton. This amount of chrome ore would yield 411 kt of ferrochrome when smelted, generating R767 million at an average price of R2 036 per ton on the international market.

KPMG commodity insights bulletin chromite

Russia (0.5%), Brazil (0.2%), and others (6.9%)South Africa South Africa South Africa is the world's largest source of chromite. Historically it has accounted for approximately 72 percent of global reserves, as shown in Figure 2. As a result of South Africa's abundant chromite reserves, it has well developed


1.2 The importance of the South African ferrochrome industry Mined chromite ore, containing chromium in classic spinel mineral form is the only commercially exploited source of chromium units. South Africa (SA) holds 72 to 80% of the world's viable chromite ore reserves[5][6][7].

(PDF) More out of ore! Outokumpu Technology Ferrochrome projects in

During sanctions (1985 – 1993) • Contacts maintained, no sales • New Outokumpu process developed III. New South Africa • Marketing restarted immediately after the removal of the sanctions • 9 Ferrochrome projects in South Africa in last 10 years • More under development CMD 2007 | 5 South Africa Bushwelt complex CMD 2007 | 6 ...

[PDF] Theoretical and practical aspects of Cr(VI) in the South African

The production of ferrochrome alloy from chromium bearing chromite ores is conducted at high temperature under highly reducing conditions. However, albeit completely unintended, it is impossible to completely exclude oxygen from all high temperature process steps, with the corresponding possibility arising for the generation of small …

[PDF] Effect of South Africa chrome ores on ferrochrome …

Keywords—ferrochrome production, ferroalloy process optimization, chrome ore About 80% of world chrome ore reserves are found in South Africa, mainly in the Bushveld Igneous Complex. Chrome ores from six locations across the Bushveld Complex are used to investigate the effects of ore types on the smelting processes, such as the …

(PDF) Chrome ore beneficiation challenges & opportunities – A review

abstract. Supply of world chromite (chrome ore) has come under severe pressure over the past year driven by. strong demand for ferrochrome used in ferroalloy production for making stainless steel ...


INFACON X: 'Transformation through Technology' Cape Town, South Africa ISBN: 0-958 Produced by: Document Transformation Technologies ASPECTS OF SAF SMELTING OF FERROCHROME P.C. Hayes PYROSEARCH, Pyrometallurgy Research Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland Q4072, Australia. E-mail: …

Ferrochrome (FeCr) – Mineral-Loy

Ferrochrome. Ferrochrome (FeCr) is an alloy of chromium and iron, generally containing 48 to 70% chromium by weight. It is produced in an electric arc furnace by the reduction of chromite ore. South Africa has the largest reserves of chromite ore and is also the world's largest producer of Ferrochrome with most production being exported to China.

Chemical beneficiation of chromite ore to improve the …

Raw materials were obtained from a large South African FeCr producer operating on the pre-reduced pelletized chromite process (Beukes et al., 2010, Kleynhans et al., 2012, Kleynhans et al., 2016) at two of their smelters.The sample materials, utilized on an industrial scale, consist of metallurgical grade chromite ore (<1 mm), bentonite clay …

(PDF) Theoretical and practical aspects of Cr(VI) in the South African …

In this section, these process steps. are discussed. Cr (VI) formation during milling. Due to the friability of SA chromite 16, it is common to recover. in the region of only 10–15 per cent of ...

v118n6a15 Fluxing of South African chromite ore with …

chrome', a special grade of high-carbon ferrochrome (HCFeCr). Charge chrome contains approximately 50–53% Cr, 6–8% C, 4–6% Si, and the balance Fe, with minor impurities such as S and P (Gasik, 2013). Not all ferrochrome in South Africa is produced via the submerged arc furnace (SAF) route. Some 8-10% of other ferrochrome products (e.g ...


Ferrochrome Production Process A generalized process flow diagram, which indicates the most common process steps utilized by the South AfricanFeCr producers, is shown …

(PDF) An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome

An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome Production Processes and Their Waste Management Practices. June 2023. Minerals 13 (6):809. DOI: …

Exploring beneficial uses of ferrochrome slag: A case …

South Africa is the leading player in the international ferro-alloy industry due to its abundance of natural resources. Ferrochrome (FeCr) slag is a waste material obtained …


Ferrochrome –silicon is another chromium ferroalloy directly produced from chromite ores by carbothermic reduction in submerged arc furnace. The chromium content ranges from 34 to 42%, that of silicon from 38 to 45%, and that of carbon from 0.05 to 0.06%. The mix order is similar to that of smelting high-carbon ferrochromium except that it ...

The Impact of Platinum Production from UG2 Ore on …

3.2 Growth in the Platinum Industry. South Africa is the world's largest producer of platinum. Most of the PGMs are found in the Merensky and UG2 Reefs of the BIC. The reserves of Merensky and ...

Effect of South Africa Chrome Ores on Ferrochrome …

year from 2013 to 2018. South Africa, with 80% of world chrome or reserves, is one of the major producers of ferrochrome, and its production accounts for about 34% of the total production in the world. With a sharp increase in electricity cost, all ferrochrome producers in South Africa are looking for any alternatives that can use less electricity.

Ferrochrome [FeCr] Market Size, Share | Industry Growth, 2032

The global ferrochrome (FeCr) market size was valued at USD 16.92 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow from USD 17.81 billion in 2024 to USD 26.55 billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period. Ferrochrome (FeCr) is a type of ferroalloy with high manganese content. It is an alloy between iron and chromium, …

The benefits of using ferrochrome slag as waste aggregate in South Africa

The intention of this report is to provide insight into the current challenges facing the sustainable management of mineral waste in South Africa. While the emphasis of this report is on mineral waste from the gold mining sector, the report addresses mineral waste in general, since many of the identified opportunities and challenges are not ...

12.4 Ferroalloy Production

12.4.1 General. Ferroalloy is an alloy of iron with some element other than carbon. Ferroalloy is used to physically introduce or "carry" that element into molten metal, usually during steel manufacture. In practice, the term ferroalloy is used to include any alloys that introduce reactive elements or alloy systems, such as nickel and cobalt ...

(PDF) Resource Intensity Trends in the South African …

This study investigates the impact of cleaner production process improvements on selected resource intensities of the South African ferrochrome …