QUARRY BAY PTE. LTD. | Singapore Company Directory

QUARRY BAY PTE. LTD. was registered at Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority on Jun 19 2012 . It's Unique Entity Number (UEN) is 201214981W. QUARRY BAY PTE. LTD. is a type of Local Company. The registered street name and Postal Code is ALEXANDRA ROAD, 119958.

QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. :: Singapore :: OpenCorporates

Free and open company data on Singapore company QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. (company number 200807515C), 32A PAGODA STREET, PAGODA VIEW, 059191

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd | 6423 1632 | Singapore

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd. 32 Pagoda St, Singapore 059191. Get Directions. Phone: 6423 1632. Google Maps: Visit. Edit: Edit or Remove. Business Description. This business is …

Contact us | Lubmarine TotalEnergies

Quarry Bay. Hong Kong. Hong Kong. See map. Phone: +85225201511. Fax: ... See map. Phone: +63 2 849 09 43. Fax: +63 2 856 67 18. Contact us. Singapore. TotalEnergies Marketing Asia-Pacific Middle East Pte. Ltd. Marine Lubricants Dpt. 2 Tuas South Avenue 14. 636976 Singapore. Singapore. ... #02-03 129808 Singapore SINGAPORE. …


QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. is a Singapore EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES. The company was incorporated on 17 Apr 2008, which is 15.9 years ago. …

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd öffnungszeiten, 32 Pagoda Street, …

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd öffnungszeiten heute. 32 Pagoda Street, telefon, öffnungszeiten, bild, karte, lage. Quarry Energies Pte Ltd . Coronavirus-Krankheit (COVID-19) Situation. bestätigte Fälle 2214601. Todesfälle 1720. Singapur Quarry Energies Pte Ltd . Quarry Energies Pte Ltd

Contact Us

We will be happy to assist Get in Touch Contact Us! info@sunproenergies 8 Penjuru Place, #01-40 Singapore 608780


QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. (Registration Number: 200807515C) was incorporated on in Singapore. Their business is recorded as EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY …


ZHAN CHANG GRANITE QUARRY PTE LTD. ZHAN CHANG GRANITE QUARRY PTE LTD (the "Company") is a Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated on 15 November 1990 (Thursday) in Singapore . The address of the Company's registered office is at the LINK@896 building. The Company current operating status is live and …

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd horarios, 32 Pagoda Street, contactos

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd horario hoy. 32 Pagoda Street, teléfono, horarios de apertura, imagen, mapa, ubicación. Quarry Energies Pte Ltd . Enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) Situación. casos confirmados 2214601. muertes 1720. Singapur Quarry Energies Pte Ltd . Quarry Energies Pte Ltd

PM ENERGIES PTE. LTD. (202137219C)

PM ENERGIES PTE. LTD. Registration No. / Unique Entity Number: 202137219C issued by Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority PM ENERGIES PTE. LTD. (the "Company") is a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated on 26 October 2021 (Tuesday) in Singapore . The address of the Company's registered …


ZHONG HUA BAO DING2 PTE. LTD. (UEN ID 202305129Z) is a corporate entity registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. The incorporation date is February 13, 2023. ... QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. 32A Pagoda Street, Pagoda View, Singapore 059191: : Struck Off: SHALLY SOUVENIR SHOP : 32 …


QUARRY EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS PTE LTD. Registration No. / Unique Entity Number: 198401004M issued by Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority QUARRY EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS PTE LTD (the "Company") is a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated on 27 March 1984 (Tuesday) in Singapore . The …


QUARRY TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. was incorporated on 22 August 2008 (Friday) as a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Company current operating status is struck off with registered address at TEXTILE CENTRE. ... QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. Struck Off UEN: 200807515C 32 PAGODA STREET . …


QUARRY HOUSE PRODUCTIONS PTE. LTD. was incorporated on 7 January 2020 (Tuesday) as a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Company current operating status is live with registered address at TONG ENG BUILDING. ... QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. Struck Off UEN: 200807515C 32 …

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quarry energies pte ltd

6423 1632Quarry Energies Pte Ltd。 Quarry Energies Pte Ltd32 Pagoda St, Singapore 059191,, 059191。 Quarry Energies Pte Ltd。 QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. (200807515C) | tellme.sg. QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. UEN 200807515C : Business Address 32A PAGODA STREET (S) 059191: Incorporation Date 17/04/2008, Thursday: …


TECHNIP ENERGIES SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. (the "Company") is a Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated on 29 October 2019 (Tuesday) in Singapore . The address of the Company's registered office is at the THE HOUSE OF EDEN building. The Company current operating status is live and has been operating for 4 years.


QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. was incorporated on 17 April 2008 (Thursday) as a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Company current …

Quarry Energies Pte Ltd | Contact Us

For enquiries & feedback, kindly contact Quarry Energies Pte Ltd at 6423 1632 or simply fill up this form.

Quarry and Civil Engineering Contractors | Fiji | Flame Tree …

Proudly Fijian-Owned. Flame Tree Developments Ltd is Fiji and the Pacific's elite solution provider for Quarry, Civil Contracting and specialised Civil Engineering services.

Sing Lian Huat Sand Quarry Pte Ltd

Environmental services, renewable energies; Oil and gas industry plant and equipment; IT, Internet, R&D. Importers Exporters Service providers Producer Distributor. ... Sing Lian Huat Sand Quarry Pte Ltd Sing Lian Huat Sand Quarry Pte Ltd. Update my company information; Contact - Sing Lian Huat Sand Quarry Pte Ltd. 19 Simon Road …


MASONS ENERGIES PTE. LTD. Registration No. / Unique Entity Number: 202308870R issued by Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority. MASONS ENERGIES PTE. LTD. (the "Company") is a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated in Singapore . The address of the Company's registered office is at the …


Officially, VERT ENERGIE PTE. LTD. is registered as Exempt Private Limited Company with its address 166 TUAS SOUTH AVENUE 2, WEST POINT BIZHUB, Singapore 637188. VERT ENERGIE PTE. LTD. is a non-listed entity in the private market with no IPO filing. As of 1 March 2020, the company is not involved in any litigation based on the …


Live Company UEN: 202332158M 2 VENTURE DRIVE. MERWIN ENERGIES PTE. LTD. was incorporated as a Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Company current operating status is live with registered address at MIDVIEW CITY. The Company principal activity is in PROCESS AND INDUSTRIAL PLANT ENGINEERING …

quarry energies pte ltd

WebQUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD. 32A Pagoda Street, Pagoda View, Singapore 059191 Struck Off SHALLY SOUVENIR SHOP 32 Pagoda Street, PS-20/21, Pagoda View, Singapore 059191 ... GO APPS PTE. LTD. 200 South Bridge Road, Singapore 058749 Struck Off GT APPS PTE. LTD. 16 Colchester Grove,

QUARRY BAY PTE. LTD. (201214981W)

QUARRY BAY PTE. LTD. Registration No. / Unique Entity Number: 201214981W issued by Accounting And Corporate Regulatory Authority. QUARRY BAY PTE. LTD. (the "Company") is a Private Company Limited by Shares, incorporated on 18 June 2012 (Monday) in Singapore . The address of the Company's registered office is …


Here at SunPro Energies, we create and deliver effective solar solutions. In line with the global UN Sustainability Development Goals, Singapore is placing a huge emphasis on sustainability. And we are here as your one-stop solar solutions provider to achieve this milestone together. All you need is to give the green light to go green. Visit ...

QUARRY ENERGIES PTE. LTD.: Revenue, Employees, Emails, …

quarry energies pte. ltd. Is Founded In 2008, That Base On Sports activities In Singapore. Bizdirect Provides Such As Entity Name, Business Activities And More With Contact …

Beauty salon nearby Quarry Energies Pte Ltd opening …

Singapore Beauty salon nearby Quarry Energies Pte Ltd. Quarry Energies Pte Ltd 32 Pagoda Street Singapur. contacts phone: +65. Latitude: 1.2833441, Longitude: 103.8446768. read more. nearest Beauty salon. 113 m. Salon G. HDB Upper Cross #02-142, 34 Upper Cross Street (S)058340. Beauty salon. read more.